C O V I D - 1 9
We know this virus doesn't discriminate -- but our world does. As our city faces the COVID-19 crisis, relying on existing systems will guarantee that this crisis will disproportionately harm Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Asian communities. It's up to all of us to interrupt this, by sharing information, connecting resources, and changing policies & systems. We'll use this page to track efforts to address racial inequity during this time. From our families to yours, we send love and support to get through this time.
Local artists designed these illustrations to share widely to spread awareness. Please share on SMS text, social media, WhatsApp or your favorite way to reach folks in your community. Special thanks to artists Natalie González, Arabella Breck, Bianca Xunise, 2018 CUE Fellow Ellie Mejia for leading this project, and 2020 CUE Fellow Jianan Shi for organizing a citywide translation hub that supported this project (and others!).
Resources and Information
Get informed and share this info with people around you.
1. Unemployment Benefits- Laid off due to COVID-19? Apply for unemployment
2. Free Meals for School Aged Children- Three meals per meal bag
3. Worker Rights- Know your rights as a worker!
4. Emergency Rental Assistance- One time rental assistance grant
5. ComED hardships program- ComED suspends disconnects for customers unable to pay their bill until at least May 1st
6. Resources for Immigrants During the COVID- 19 Crisis- A comprehensive resource collected by the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
7. Illinois Department of Human Services- Domestic Violence Helpline 1-877-TO END DV (1-877-863-6338)
Staying Grounded & Connected
These are difficult times for many of us. Use some of these resources to ground you in the power of community, and to keep you active and engaged.
1. Be Gentle with Yourself: Helpful reminders here that this thing we're all feeling is called grief and to allow this time to change us.
2. Explore What Role You Play: This can be a trying time for people who regularly work to build a better world. Use this reading to reflect on your gifts and how to lean into them at this time.
3. Discover New Ways to Organize: We're still working on finding new ways to organize in a socially distanced world, but reading this as we think.
4. Get Out of the House -- Virtually: Travel the World from Home by visiting 12 world art museums and 33 National Parks.
5. Stretch and Stay Active: Check out these Chicago-based Live Online Fitness Classes to stretch your body.